American artist Karthik Pandian makes works in moving image, sculpture and performance. He has held solo exhibitions at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Bétonsalon, Paris, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, and White Flag Projects, St. Louis, amongst others. His work was featured in the inaugural Made in L.A. at the Hammer Museum and La Triennale: Intense Proximity at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris. His current project, Atlas Unlimited, a collaboration with the choreographer Andros Zins-Browne, moves from Belgium to the Logan Center for the Arts in Chicago and 80WSE in New York next year. He says about his practice, “I rub the monument like a magic lamp, polishing it into a mirror for our times, such that we may see ourselves, albeit darkly – both as ourselves and reversed.”
Karthik Pandian