- Instructor
- Renée Green
- TA
- Kwan Queenie Li
- Units
- 3-0-6
- Lab Fee
- $75
- Credit
- G
- Schedule
- M 930-1230
- Location
- E15-001
Synchronizations of Senses (Spring 2022)
Using The Film Sense, written by film director Sergei Eisenstein as a prompt, the intention of this course is to create space for experimentation and exploratory discussion and productions via aesthetic inquiry into perceptions of all senses. Testing various ways aesthetic forms and their shifts — historic and contemporary — have relations to still emerging contemporary subjectivities (felt emotion in a human body), we will study productions created by participants, case studies of varied producers, and generate new work individually and/or collaboratively via diverse media explorations (reading, writing, drawing, publishing, photographic, cinematic, spatial, audio operations and productions) in this workshop/seminar.
Open only to graduates.
For all course registration enquiries, including cross-registration issues, please email the course TA at que@mit.edu instead of the instructor.

Synchronizations of Senses 4.359 (Spring 2022 Poster)
Renée Green
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